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Governing Bodies for Irish Dance
North American Feis Commission (NAFC) NAFC is the governing body for feiseanna in North America. They maintain a schedule of all sanctioned feiseanna in North America. If you can't find information about a feis on our website, chances are it will be listed here.

An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaelacha

An Comisiun is the worldwide governing body for Irish Dance
IDTANA IDTANA is the Irish Dance Teachers Association of North AMerica. This is the organization that Irish Dance Teachers (TCRG's) and Adjudicators (ADCRG's) in North America belong to.
Western US Region (later)
IDTANA Southern Region (later)
General Information Sites
Irish Dancing Canada The premiere site for information about Irish Dance in Canada
School Listing (alphabetical) Irish Dance schools that are led by certified teachers
School Listing (by state/province) Irish Dance schools that are led by certified teachers
Vendors Vendors who provide links back to our website
Irish Dance Message Boards These may or may not be moderated. Visit at your own risk.

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